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Monsters at School Project

A collaboration between elementary and secondary students.

Elementary students drew and described a monster.

Secondary students transformed their monster into a puppet monster and wrote a story about a situation that could happen in high school. This story was put into an online book in Book Creator with actions that the code in the Micro:bit represented.

Secondary students visited the elementary students and presented the puppet monsters with the Micro:bit. It was a great way to introduce the topic of going to high school.

What an experience for all these students!

Create a promotional clip about a resort using Adobe Spark Video

In this clip, Caroline Saint-Louis, a secondary ESL teacher from Massey-Vanier high school (CSVDC), explains how she used Adobe Spark Video to have her students create a promotional video of a resort.

The Resort Project

With a partner, students will decide on a resort that they you would want to visit. They will be using the Adobe Spark Video application in order to create a video that will promote a resort and make it irresistible to visit!