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Monsters at School Project

A collaboration between elementary and secondary students.

Elementary students drew and described a monster.

Secondary students transformed their monster into a puppet monster and wrote a story about a situation that could happen in high school. This story was put into an online book in Book Creator with actions that the code in the Micro:bit represented.

Secondary students visited the elementary students and presented the puppet monsters with the Micro:bit. It was a great way to introduce the topic of going to high school.

What an experience for all these students!

Once Upon a Time - Writing and Producing an Animated Story

This project was created by Joey Simard-Bolduc from the CSS de Portneuf.

Through the exploration of the characteristics of a fairy tales, students learn the steps of a narrative story: setup, conflict, challenges, climax and resolution.

Students write a narrative story and animate it with the Toontastic 3D app (Android), Scratch, Scratch Jr or other animation tools.

(optional) Students can also use Ozobots to demonstrate their understanding by planning a sequence of actions that represent the important events of a chosen story.

Use the Overview to view the sequence and the Presentation in class with students. Use the links in the 2 documents to access student documents.
Adapt all the documents to your needs.

*Note: Toontastic was used in the original project but it is not available in the Apple App Store anymore. We added suggestions in order to use the sequence with other digital tools.